Hot and Cold Chikki goes into a store and sees a shiny object. He asks the clerk, “What is that shiny object?” The clerk replies, “That is a thermos flask.”
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Where does the Sun go? Buttu: “Sattu, Where does the Sun go at night?” Sattu : It does not go anywhere. It remains there, but we cannot see due to
Tell me the opposite? Interviewer : Tell me the opposite of good. Nikki: Bad. Interviewer : Come. Nikki: Go. Interviewer : Ugly. Nikki: Pichlli. Interviewer : U G L Y?
Student Teacher Jokes Teacher : Bunty, go to the map and find North America. Bunty : Here it is! Teacher : Correct. Now…..class, tell me who discovered America? Class :
Unbreakable Toy Only a week after Christmas an irate Mum stormed into the toy shop. “I’m bringing back this unbreakable toy fire engine, It’s useless!”, she said to the man